Monday, July 18, 2011

Is it possible to be allergic to weed?

I've tried to smoke weed many times and in many ways, a bong, and bowl, a joint, an apple, a pop can, you name it i've probably tried it. However, everytime i smoke, no matter how much or how little, i get nauseous, paranoid, and get racing thoughts. My vision always goes in and out, and my ears ring so loud that i can't hear. I would describe it as having a panic attack. I have no idea why this happens. I've heard it can happen when your paranoid, but i've never been paranoid when i smoke, i always smoke with my mom and i know i'm not going to get into trouble so i don't know why this happens. There was once that i was vommiting so much i popped a vessel in my eye, and it just wouldn't stop. What could cause all this?

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