Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why do atheist fear the after life when the before life is much harder to explain.?

well this is my belife, no matter what since birth religion has been drilled in your head you cannot dennie that, either with an actual god or wondering about death as a child, so you have no choice to consider what lie beyond death, an atheist has somewhat or completley removed that brain washed (again my thoughts) where they no nothing lies beyond and except that, another thing i think christians or whatever religion can't deal with that knowing or except it so they turn to the sky and pray to a god. but what atheist and all people fear for that matter is the moment, the second right before death, where they feel it creepying in, then they have to choices, denie it and still be frightened, or accept whats happening an take one last gasp of the rich air.

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