Monday, July 11, 2011

How do i let my betta know it's feeding time?

I have one veiltail betta, and I used to keep him in a tiny betta bowl. After doing my research and observation, I realized that was a horrible idea and I transferred him into a ten gallon aquarium. However, he hasn't eaten either of the two meals I've tried to feed him since. I skipped two meals the day I transferred him, so it's not that he needs time to adjust. I think the problem is that he doesn't know that I'm trying to feed him. When he was in a betta bowl, there was no way he'd be stupid enough to not know, because it was so tiny he couldn't have missed the food floating above his head. However, in a ten gallon tank with a filter going, when i drop the food in the filter pushes it out into the tank and with all that space he probably doesn't see it. I tried turning off the filter for feeding time, but he still didn't swim up to eat. How do i let him know when feeding time is?

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