Sunday, July 10, 2011

Guy problems. Please help?

Okay so theres a guy I like and I told him I liked him and he told me he liked me back! This was about 3 or 4 weeks ago. And lately like in the past week and a half we haven't been talking...he most of the time texts me/ skypes me first but he hasn't been doing that...And when I text him be doesn't respond to "whats up?" its sort of bugging me...were not dating or anything. I'm thinking he may have gotten over me. I don't want to seem clingy in any way or make him feel uncomfortable. Even if he doesn't like me anymore I still want to be friends with him. How would I do that if he rarely texts me back? I asked him to come bowling with me and some friends today but he couldn't because he had to babysit. All I want to be is friends( IF he doesn't like me back. Heh heh if he still does that is different..) and my friends say I should call him but that seems clingy/ desprate in my eyes. Plus I've never called him before nor have I video chatted him. I think that would be a bit awkward for both of us knowing that we both like eachother. I just wish I knew what to do in this situation...What do you guys think I should do? Thank you:)

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